Born in Carlton on 18 November 1928, Theodore Tolly Berman was a second-generation Polish migrant
whose parents, David Berman (1894-1971) and the former Freda Waxman
(1904-1980), were both born in Warsaw. Freda, the youngest of
eleven children of Jankel and Chana Waxman (originally Waksman),
migrated to Australia with her parents in 1924; her future husband
David arrived, via London, in 1926. The couple met in Melbourne
the following year, and married in early 1928. They
initially resided in the pre-war Jewish heartland of Carlton,
where David was the proprietor of a successful knitwear factory.
His wife Freda later established her own handkerchief-making
business in Flinders Lane that, styled as F Theodore Pty Ltd, was
evidently named after the couple’s only
child, the future architect.
In the early 1930s, the family relocated from Carlton to St Kilda, where a young Theodore Berman attended
Elwood Central School and Caulfield Grammar School before entering
Melbourne High School. He studied architecture at both RMIT and
Melbourne University but, due to a paperwork glitch, did not receive
his Bachelor of Architecture degree: it would be belatedly conferred more than four decades later, in
March 2001. Concurrently with his studies, Berman gained
experience as an architectural draftsman in the Public Works
Department, transferring thence to the War Service Homes
Division. In 1952, he took a position as a building co-ordinator
with a timber company, where he recalls gaining valuable experience in
building construction.
Registered as an architect in
1954, Berman established private practice under his own name.
Initially, his output focused on small-scale apartment developments
(mostly in the inner southern suburbs, in and around where he lived in
Elwood) as well as retail fitouts. The latter, which he recalled
as a field in which few architects specialised at that time, saw him
become regular architect to several leading clothing chains including
Beverley Lee Knitwear, Portmans and Sussan Lingerie. Around 1957, Berman
transferred his home-based practice to larger office premises in
Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, where he was able to take on additional staff.
the early 1960s, two significant developments emerged that would
sustain Berman’s practice for some time. In 1959, he was
engaged to design Melbourne’s first purpose-built tenpin bowling alley,
located at Glenferrie Road in Hawthorn, and went on to design almost
twenty others across Victoria before the sport’s popularity began to
flag towards the end of the decade (at which point, ironically, he
gained further work by converting several of his former bowling
alleys for other purposes such as hotels). In parallel, Berman
was also commissioned to design the stylish new Parkroyal Motel on
Royal Parade (1962), which proved so successful that it launched a
nationwide chain, with Berman retained to design its motels in
Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane. During this decade, Berman trvelled
frequently to the USA to keep up with the latest trends, particularly
in regard to the design of motels and bowling alleys.
1970, Berman designed a large and grand residence for himself in
Toorak, which ushered in a new era that as commissions flooded in
for similarly palatial dwellings in that same exclusive
neighbourhood. These high-end residential projects, which would
sustain Berman’s practice well into the 1980s and beyond, were
invariably lavish in scale and luxurious in fitout, with wine cellars,
sunken bathtubs, home cinemas, multi-car garages and expansive
entertaining areas.
Ted Berman died 3 April 2017, aged 88 years.
Select List of
1954 1955 1956
1957 1959
1963 1964 1966 1968 1969
1971 1975
1983 1989
| Block of flats, Southey Street, Elwood Maisonettes, North Road, Brighton Block of flats, Brighton Road, St Kilda Retail fitout for Sussan Lingerie, Hay Street, Perth Remodelling of Tivoli Theatre, Bourke Street, Melbourne [with Dudley Ward] Factory for Artknit Creations, Claremont Street, South Yarra Residence, 25 Studley Avenue, Kew Bowling alley, Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn Retail fitout for Sussan Lingerie, Chadstone Shopping Centre, Chadstone Block of flats, Hotham Street, St Kilda East Factory for Acme Knitting Mills, Chapel Street, South Yarra Bowling alley, Irving Street, Footscray Bowling alley, Bell Street, Heidelberg West Converstion of cinema into bowling alley, Sydney Road, Coburg Parkroyal Motel, 441 Royal Parade, Parkville Bowling alley, Maroondah Highway, Ringwood Bowling alley, , Nepean Highway, Moorabbin Factory for Craig & Seeley Pty Ltd, Hope Street, Brunswick Factory, Chapel Street, St Kilda Additions (George Krauss Wing) to Montefiore Home for the Aged, St Kilda Road Office building (Dairy Industries House), 576 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Parkroyal Motor Inn, Alice Street, Brisbane Block of flats, Dandenong Road, Caulfield North Parkroyal Motor Inn, Adelaide Residence for self, Heymount Close, Toorak Residence, Hopetoun Road, Toorak Residence, 13 Heyington Place, Toorak Residence, 45 Cascade Street, Balwyn North Residence,
1 Glendye Court, Toorak Residence, 29 St Georges Road, Toorak
| | 
| | Interior of block of flats, Elwood (1954)
|  | | Showroom for Sussan Lingerie, Perth (1956)
|  | | Footsceray Bowl, Irving Street, Footscray (1961)
|  | | Parkroyal Motel, Royal Parade, Parkville (1962)
|  | | Craig & Seeley (Chef) Factory, Brunswick (1963)
|  | | Parkroyal Motor Inn, Alice Street, Brisbane (1969)