on 30 August 1927 in the NSW Riverina town of Balranald , Kenneth
William McDonald was the son of grazier Angus Alexander McDonald
(1889-1972) and his wife Barbara (1892-1963). Within a few years of
Kenneth’s birth, the family had returned to Victoria (where Angus
McDonald had lived prior to his marriage) and taken up a farming
property at Mount Ararat. Kenneth McDonald commenced the
architecture course at the University of Melbourne and, as a fifth-year
student in 1949, prepared a scheme for a flat-roofed house intended for
his own use. In what was a remarkable achievement for a young
undergraduate, the design was published in the Australian Home Beautiful. Even
more remarkably, a second student project by McDonald, this time for a
hotel in his home town of Balranald, appeared in the same magazine
three months later. It was also towards the end of 1949 that
McDonald became engaged to Althea Nancy Burke (1929-2008); the couple
wed on 24 June 1950.
Kenneth McDonald’s Bachelor
of Architecture degree was conferred in April 1951 and, later that same
year, he became a registered architect in Victoria. At the time
of his registration, he was employed in the Department of Works &
Housing at 225 Bourke Street. During that period, he undertook his first private architecture commission: a new
house for himself and his wife Althea, on an elevated site in the
developing suburb of Balwyn North. Under construction in late
1951, the house incorporated an innovation not seen before in
Melbourne, but soon to become highly fashionable: the butterfly
roof. On completion, the striking house was profiled in a number
of newspaper and magazine articles. Notwithstanding the level of
attention that it generated (or perhaps because of it), McDonald and
his wife decided to sell the property and move elsewhere. When
the forthcoming sale was reported in the Argus,
in early 1952, it was promoted as "one of the world’s most
advanced homes" and a "beautifully furnished new-style aluminium-roofed
solar ray dwelling" that "contains everything modern science has to
offer". McDonald went on to design another house for himself in
Bayswater, where he and his family remained living for many
years. These early houses, with their hard-edge modernist style,
characterised McDonald's approach to residential architecture that,
years later, saw Philip Goad describe him as "the most accomplished
exponent of East Coast Bauhaus in Melbourne".
In early 1953, McDonald wrote an article in the Argus
that argued for the provision of modern hotels in central
Melbourne. This article, illustrated with McDonald’s own grandly
speculative scheme for a multi-storey hotel in Collins Street, appears
to mark the emergence of his interest in journalism and
publication. Later that year, he became advertising director of
the influential Melbourne-based architecture magazine Architecture & Arts, which had been founded in 1952 by Peter Burns. By the end of 1953, McDonald had taken over as editor. In 1954, he published a slender booklet entitled The New Australian Home,
in which he illustrated a number of progressive architect-designed
residences that, in his view, marked the appearance of "a true
indigenous residential Australian architecture". Several houses
of his own design (including his former residence in Balwyn
North) were featured alongside those by such luminaries as Harry
Seidler, Hugh Buhrich, Robin Boyd, Douglas
Alexandra and Ray Berg. McDonald went on to publish a second monograph on a similar theme, entitled Homes for Today (1957).
parallel with his publishing activities, McDonald’s private
architectural practice thrived. His early interest in modern
hotel architecture, which can be traced back to his student project of
1949, saw him prepare a bold scheme for a circular highrise hotel
building on the south bank of the Yarra River (1956), and at least two
interstate projects, for the Hotel International at Sydney (1956) and a
holiday resort in Queensland (1960). In the late 1950s,
McDonald fostered a significant association with property developers
Apex Pty Ltd, for whom he designed a series of project houses at
Avondale Heights (1957) and Burwood East (1959), as well as a shopping
centre, also at Avondale Heights , and a shopping arcade at Essendon
(both 1958). McDonald quickly rose become a leading exponent of
shopping centre architecture in Melbourne, designing centres for other
clients at Croydon, Clayton and Boronia. McDonald's practice
also encapsulated furniture design; in the early 1950s, he developed an
association with Clement Meadmore that saw him design a stackable
version of the iconic corded Meadmore Chair.
McDonald continued to serve as editor of Architecture & Arts
magazine until 1963, when he sold the magazine to others (it ceased publication four years later). He remained active
in private practice, and designed another hotel in central Melbourne as
late as 1971. Little is currently known of McDonald’s subsequent
output from the 1970s onwards. During that decade he is known to
have remarried and moved from Bayswater (where he had lived, in a house of his own
design, since 1953) to Richmond, where he took up residence in a
renovated Victorian terrace in Charles Street. He and his new wife, also a journalist, later moved to a
new house, in a row of four, in Coppin Street. McDonald died on 1
July 1996, aged 68 years.
Select List of
1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
1962 1965
| Residence for self, 50 Tuxen Street, Balwyn North [demolished] Residence for self, Bayswater Scheme for a hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne [project only] Residence, Mount Eliza Residence, Frankston Kindergarten, Euroa Hotel International, Potts Point, Sydney, NSW Scheme for Crystal Tower Hotel, South Melbourne [project only] Shopping centre for Apex Realty, Pty Ltds, Military Road, Avondale Heights Residence, Mount Waverley Resident, Templestowe Residence, Vermont Residence, Cheltenham Shopping centre, Clayton Shopping centre, Boronia Holiday resort, Currumbin, Queensland Flats, Altona Project housing for Apex Realty Pty Ltd, various locations Project house for Goldseal Homes Pty Ltd, Burwood East Flats, Essendon Shopping centre, Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley Residence, Altona Flats, Ivanhoe Residence, Balwyn North Courtesy Inn Hotel, Exhibition Street, Melbourne |
| |  | | Kenneth McDonald, architect, circa 1953
|  | | Student project for Four Winds Hotel at Balranald (1949)
|  | | Kenneth McDonald's own house at Balwyn North (1951-52)
|  | | House at Bendigo by Kenneth McDonald (1956)
|  | | Unbuilt scheme for highrise hotel, South Melbourne (1956)
|  | | Apex Realty Shopping Centre at Avondale Heights (1958)
|  | | Scheme for holiday resort at Currumbin, Qld (1960)