Journal Articles

"'A Melbourne Modernist: James Earle (1927-2014)", Spirit of Progress, Vol 16, No 1 (Summer 2015), pp 12-14.

"'Post Modernist: A Tribute to Frank Dixon", Spirit of Progress, Vol 14, No 1 (Summer 2013), pp 27-29.

"Gromboyd goes Hawaiian: Roy Grounds, Robin Boyd and the 'Exclusive Pacific Fellowship of Talent'", Fabrications, Vol 22, No 1 (June 2012), pp 58-78.

"Whither Googie?", Spirit of Progress, Vol 13, No 2 (Autumn 2012), pp 14-17.

"From Hotel to Motel to Boatel", The Australian Motel Owners' Journal, Vol 12, No 2 (December 2011), pp 8-10. Link

"Googie goes Australian", Australian Modern, Vol 1, No 1 (2012), pp 12-15. 

"Commonwealth Bank Building, Bourke Street, Melbourne", Spirit of Progress, Vol 12, No 4 (Spring 2011), pp 10-11.

"Save the Horsham Town Hall? Yes we can!", Spirit of Progress, Vol 12, No 3 (Winter 2011), pp 10-12.

"A Refreshing Classification", Victorian News: National Trust, August 2011, p 5.

"The Mojo of HoJo: An American Motel in Australia", The Australian Motel Owners' Journal, Vol 12, No 1 (June 2011), pp 6-8.

"A Tale of Two City Motels", The Australian Motel Owners' Journal, Vol 11, No 2 (December 2010), pp 9-11.  Link

"Mitchell House", Spirit of Progress, Vol 11, No 4 (Spring 2010), pp 17-19.

"Yule House", Spirit of Progress, Vol 11, No 3 (Winter 2010), pp 27-29.

"Australia's Early Motel Boom", The Australian Motel Owners' Journal, Vol 11, No 1 (June 2010), pp 15, 17-18, 20.  Link

Architect Victoria, Autumn 2010: guest editor for special issue on post-war heritage places. 

    - "Tomorrow's heritage... today!", pp 1-3. Download

"Warrnambool Motors Showroom", pp 22-23.  Download

"Stalemates of Significance", pp 26-27.  Download

"Bayside heritage study cast adrift", Victorian News: National Trust, May 2010, p 7.

"Remember those bowling nights?", Victorian News: National Trust, May 2010, p 6.  Download

"Vale: Anatol Kagan (1913-2009)", Spirit of Progress, Vol 11, No 1 (Summer 2010), p 25. Download

"W J Grassick: An Unqualified Success", Spirit of Progress, Vol 10, No 3 (Winter 2009), pp 24-26. Download

"Australia's First Motels", The Australian Motel Owners' Journal, Vol 10, No 2 (December 2009), pp 11, 13-15.  Link

"The Walmsley House at Royal Park: La Trobe's 'other' cottage", La Trobeana: Journal of the C J La Trobe Society Inc. Vol 7, No 3 (November 2008), pp 12-19.  Download

"Pholiota's Construction Date", Walter Burley Griffin Society News Update, No 44 (January 2007), pp 5-6.  Link

"Roy Prentice: Centenary Architect", Spirit of Progress, Vol 7, No 3 (Winter 2006), pp 7-9. Download

"Heritage Overlooked", Architect Victoria, Autumn 2005, pp 22-25. Download

"Women Architects in Victoria" [book review], Architect Victoria, April 2002, pp 24-25.  Download

"Millie Gibson blooms again", The La Trobe Journal, No 65 (Autumn 2000), pp 4-16.  Link